MBTI® Master Practitioner

Dr. Carla Stebbins PhD
Dynamic and engaging speaker that uses stories and humor to drive deep learning. Approach to training is practical resulting in the ability to create more productive personal and professional conversations and relationships.
- Years of Experience working with the MBTI: 21
- Languages Spoken: English
- Texas, United States
- Will travel? Yes
- Texas Woman's University
6700 Fannin Street
Houston Texas, 77030
United States - https://twu.edu/health-care-administration/
- cstebbins@twu.edu
- 515-988-5502
- Session Formats: In Person, Teleconference, Webinar
- Doctorate degree
- Affiliated Associations: APTi
- Clients Seen: Individuals, Higher Education, Teams and Groups, Government, Corporations, Non-profit organizations, Religious organizations, Healthcare professionals
- Subjects of Interest: MBTI Feedback, Conflict Resolution, Team Building, Leadership, Change Management, Stress Management, Coaching, Decision Making, Spirituality, Education, Communication