MBTI® Master Practitioner

Edythe Richards
I'm an engaging facilitator, coach, and trainer with 20+ years using Type with individuals and teams. Check out my podcasts: MBTI for Midlife Career Changers, and Myers-Briggs Question Corner.
- Years of Experience working with the MBTI: 23
- Languages Spoken: English
- Virginia, United States
- Will travel? Yes
- A Top Career
Alexandria Virginia, 22304
United States - www.atopcareer.com
- edythe@atopcareer.com
- Session Formats: In Person, Teleconference, Webinar
- Masters degree
- Affiliated Associations: APTi, NCDA, Kappa Delta Pi, Golden Key
- Clients Seen: Individuals, Higher Education, Teams and Groups, Families, Government, Corporations, Non-profit organizations, Healthcare professionals
- Subjects of Interest: MBTI Feedback, Counseling, Career Counseling, Team Building, Leadership, Change Management, Stress Management, Job Placement, Coaching, Decision Making, Family Counseling, Education, Communication