MBTI® Master Practitioner

Dr Esther Attebery Ed.D
You matter and the quality of your life matters! May I come alongside to help you gain the insights MBTI offers so you can move towards your goals and BEST self? I train companies, teams, and individuals with professionalism, confidentiality, care.
- Years of Experience working with the MBTI: 12
- Languages Spoken: English
- California, United States
- Will travel? Yes
- LifeWork Dezyne
Claraday Street
Glendora California, 91740
United States - www.LifeWorkDezyne.com
- Thrive@LifeWorkDezyne.com
- 626-375-7178
- Session Formats: In Person, Teleconference, Webinar
- Doctorate degree
- Affiliated Associations: International Coach Federation, DiSC ARSENAL (stress resilience), TTI SI EQ
- Clients Seen: Individuals, Higher Education, Teams and Groups, Families, Legal professions, Corporations, Non-profit organizations, Religious organizations, Schools K-12, Healthcare professionals
- Subjects of Interest: MBTI Feedback, Conflict Resolution, Team Building, Leadership, Change Management, Stress Management, Coaching, Decision Making, Spirituality, Education, Communication